Twill tape is cut a little shorter than the actual neckline stitching length, then is edge stitched just inside the seam allowance easing the fabric to the shorter tape. This will give the neckline a gentle curve towards the body as well as adding definition to the neck edge.After the twill tape is applied to the neckline, the neckline seam allowance is trimmed, clipped and stitched to the underlining with a catch stitch.After the seam allowance is sewn in place, the neckline really starts to take shape. I love this silk!The under skirt sandwich from yesterday’s post is gathered along the top tightly and sewn to the bodice lining a little lower than the actual seam line so the fullness of the layers is slightly staggered.This little tool was indispensable today. When I was much younger –I used to avoid this tool like the plague. But as I have aged?? I have come to realize that taking a little extra time to remove errant stitches and replace them with better is critical to the success of the project. (I know there is a great life lesson here, but I’m exhausted.It’s starting to take shape. Tomorrow should be especially interesting!!