Phew, A Fabulous, Frantic, and Fun Week

Am I really back? 
I guess the foot of snow on the ground should be my first clue.
  What a whirlwind.
We made it to and from San Diego in tact
and with a myriad of stories to tell!
It may take a few posts to get them all in,
and if you’ve been following my twitter updates,
then you have had a taste of
“The Trip That Kept On Giving!!”
First off, however, I need to get some housekeeping out of the way!
To the amazing women I met teaching classes both in San Diego and Orange Counties, I am working on your patterns so they can be easily accessed and downloaded.  I am also working on some photo and video tutorials for the dreaded folded rose.  You should be receiving an email from me with these documents in the next couple of days and I will also post links on my website

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